Here are a few student reviews from my MBA class Executive Communication in the Fall 2020 semester
Dr. Edmondson is one of the finest professors not just in NJCU but all my academic life. His time-sensitive and detailed oriented methods of doing things aren't easy but certainly worth our tuition. It was a pleasure taking this course with Dr. Edmondson.
Dr. Edmondson makes the objectives of each task very clear and provides helpful feedback after the creation of a wide array of communication assignments for the course. The course helped me hone my writing skills, particularly with tone and content when using different channels to convey information. I have a deeper understanding of the importance of being clear and concise when crafting different business writing pieces.
Dr. Edmondson is a very knowledgeable and inspiring professor. He is interactive with the students and encourages to do and be better.
This course enhanced my writing and research abilities. As an older student returning to academia, the trepidation was material; however, the class structure, and breakdown of the content allowed me to learn and grow in several ways. The content was also transferable to my work life as well. Creating an info graphic or delving into the social media elements stretched me beyond my comfort zone and fostered substantial growth that is apparent in several ways. This class is writing intensive, but you learn and grow and can see your progress as you move through each deliverable. Having a professor that is responsive and accessible was another plus for students that wanted feedback weekly. If you want to develop your overall communication skills this is a must take class.
I enjoyed the class and coursework. I believe it has given me a new approach to report writing and communication.
I really appreciate Professor Edmondson's teaching style. I will definitely use what I've learned in his class in the business world. We learned how to come up with an idea from scratch for a business report. We learned how to create the report, create an info-graphic, write a press release, and two editorial. What I enjoyed the most was the breakdown of the class--into two parts. The semester did not feel long at all. Also, this class worked really well for a remote session. Thank you so much Professor Edmondson.
Thank you! I really enjoyed your class and learned a lot. Clear, Concise and Compelling communication - This is now stuck in my head :)