Michael Edmondson, PhD
How often do you want to achieve as much as you want to breathe?
How often do you take action to make a difference?
How often do you step into the unknown with confidence?
How often are you engaging in daring ventures from a secure base?
How often do you fight for your next inch?
How often do you approach, or pass, the edge?
How often are you easy to love?
How often do you allow adversity to strengthen you?
How often do you use fear to take you to the edge?
How often do you endure caterpillars to befriend butterflies?
How often do you exercise rebellion?
How often do you repot yourself?
How good do you want to be?
How often do you choose work that scares you?
How often do you cross the street when the sign says, ‘don’t walk’?
How often do you travel outside of your comfort zone?
How close to the sun will you fly?
How well do you walk through the fire?
How often do you move forward despite thinking you are not ready?
Have you ever had someone light a fire under your ass?